MDMA (Ekstaza) PRO Test
Poprzednia najniższa cena: 110,00zł.
100% legalne i bezpieczne zgodnie z dyrektywą UE 2019/1148. Dowiedz się więcej…
Narkotest na MDMA to zestaw testów narkotykowych do sprawdzenia kryształów, proszków i tabletek. PRO Test MDMA jest najlepszy do sprawdzania MDMA, MDA, met/amfetaminy, 2C-B, benzodiazepin i innych.
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Pozytywny lub negatywny wynik testu na MDMA nie wskazuje czy substancja jest bezpieczna. Żadna substancja nie jest w 100% bezpieczna.
Till (zweryfikowany) –
[REWARDED REVIEW] Very good and useful reagent kit.
It does what it’s supposed to do and does it well. Especially thanks to the porcelain reaction plate. Without it I really struggled to find a good surface to use. Not to mention, the packaging also makes the Test-kit very easy to store. The only real complaint I have is that the crystalline Reagents regularly get stuck between the bottle and the cap and are very hard to remove once in there.
This is however not a real problem if you are careful enough and if you are smart enough to read the god-damn description on the side. Maybe a little bit bigger text should be added in red or something. Because I am really paranoid about how much my Reagents have already oxidized and I don’t want anyone else to be as stupid as me.
Anyway, all in all, a good product and I will definitely buy from this shop again if I need new or other Reagents.
Jerzy Afanasjew –
Thank you for the feedback. We recommend the how-to videos at, especially to learn how to use crystalline reagents. Kind regards, Jurek @ PRO Test